Recommit to Refugees: Why is this happeningThe assistance being provided to Syrian refugees had to be cut in December of 2014 due to a lack of funding available for the United...
Recommit to Refugees: What is Food Security?Learn more about i-ACT’s Restore2100 campaign here. The refugees living in Chad are not alone in this suffering. Food insecurity is a...
Get on Your Bike and #Ride4Refugees in SeptemberLearn more and register for the Tour de Goz Amer(ica) here! Why a bike ride? In the refugee camps, bicycles are the golden ticket to...
Planting Seeds of Good this Summernull During the summertime, the i-ACT team is unable to travel to eastern Chad refugee camps due to the rainy season there, but we’ve had...
#Restore2100: Share the Factsi-ACT is working hard to fight food insecurity among Darfuri refugees in Chad. Please support #Restore2100 by sharing these important...
i-ACT21 Day 9: The EdgeFire Destroys Homes in Camp Goz Amer By Gabriel Stauring Most of them have already experienced this trauma at least once before. As...