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Adam Talks About Growing Up in Sudan

I’m Adam Moussa from west Darfur state.  My village was called Bendis.

It’s horrible to flashback to my childhood. It was full of sorrow and bad luck. I grew up an orphan child with none to help. I suffered hunger and malnourishment. Our father died when I was seven years old; my brother was four years old, and our sister was in her teens. Mother was poor, and she was hardly able to secure one meal for us all the daytime. So I decided to go to school hoping that I could be able to help her. I work very hard I was always the top of my class but at high school I failed to enter the college of medicine. I went to study the law after two years. I was arrested because of my political activities. That was in blue nile region. I returned back home feeling sorrow and disappointment.

I have a wife and I’m a father of seven children. I fled to Chad hoping to avoid my children having the same bad luck. I now live in a refugee camp.

Note: Darfuris use the word “orphan” to describe someone that has lost one or both parents.


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