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Darfur United

[dropcap1 color=””]1[/dropcap1]Build a Darfur soccer team of the best players from the twelve refugee camps in eastern Chad to participate in an international tournament.

[dropcap1 color=””]2[/dropcap1] Share the story of building the team to raise awareness and educate people about the situation in Darfur and the refugee experience.

[dropcap1 color=””]3[/dropcap1] Facilitate ongoing support for education, sports, nutrition, and other services through relationships between refugees and global citizens.

Darfur United – The Project

This project will be a “living documentary,” as we share every step of the journey. The story will be told, day -to-day, through the Darfur United website, Facebook, Twitter, and here on Indiegogo. We will then produce a documentary film of the entire journey.

The Impact

This project will be a powerful vehicle for worldwide awareness about refugee and internally displaced persons from Darfur, as well as the large-scale humanitarian efforts that are essential for their protection. It will also offer a great opportunity for global citizens to get involved and support the refugees in their struggle for a better life and future. Darfur United’s journey will highlight the personal stories behind the huge numbers related to the years-long crisis in Darfur.


Help iACT continue to do what it does best:

Support refugees in the forgotten corners of the world through soccer and preschool.

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