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Help us reach our goal of 100 new Sustainers of Action!

Gabriel and Sara-Christine are en route home from i-ACT’s 20th trip to the Darfur refugee camps along the Chad-Sudan border. Twenty trips in 10 years.

What began as an advocacy effort to bring peace to Darfur has grown to include several refugee-led projects in the camps including education and sports, hundreds of Camp Darfur exhibits and educational workshops across the US, a coalition of American and Sudanese organizations, an adult Fellowship program, and multiple fasts, multimedia campaigns, and actions asking our leaders to do more for Darfur and Sudan.

I’ve watched the i-ACT community grow since I joined in 2007. We have expanded to include students, faith leaders, soccer teams, preschool teachers, actors, software engineers, and so many more. Our impact has been deep, but we have so much further to go.

I’m asking you today to be 1 of 100 new Sustainers of Action who give monthly to expand our impact even further. Every new Sustainer of Action who pledges before my birthday on February 16th will receive their choice of our new Radical tote bags – Radical Change, Radical Hope, Radical Peace. If you sign up to give $50 or more a month, our thanks will also include a Radical t-shirt!

By giving monthly, your impact reaches communities across the United States and touches the lives of tens of thousands of Darfuri refugees living in the camps in Eastern Chad. From sports programs to communication tools, your support will make a profound impact on the lives of Darfuris. i-ACT’s Sustainers of Action also help keep the lights on and our operations moving smoothly.

$100 a month covers a Little Ripples teacher’s salary

$50 a month helps us create advocacy and education campaigns that engage students and communities

$10 a month gives 12 children a year of joy, hope, and soccer at the Darfur United Soccer Academy

I believe that we can change the way the world responds to genocide and mass atrocities. We do this by empowering advocates in the U.S. while co-creating sustainable, replicable, and community-led initiatives in refugee camps. Through personally connecting people like you, who are willing and able to act, with those who are in danger, we are building a new culture of participation.

Please consider giving monthly as an i-ACT Sustainer of Action.

best, KTJ


Help iACT continue to do what it does best:

Support refugees in the forgotten corners of the world through soccer and preschool.

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