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iACT awarded a Dining for Women grant for Little Ripples

Jessica Birzin

We are thrilled to announce that Little Ripples has been awarded a Dining for Women (DFW) grant to support Leadership and Human Rights training for the teachers, teacher salaries, and peer-to-peer training.

Little Ripples and our teacher training program will be highlighted during DFW’s December 2016 meeting where more than 300 chapters around the country will gather, break bread, and learn about the situation in the refugee camps in Chad and how the women of DFW can support Darfuri women’s empowerment and learning.

The purpose of the DFW-supported project is to increase the leadership skills and decision-making of refugee women. The Leadership Curriculum and Facilitation Guide is designed to guide women in participatory trainings and discussions in order for women to feel more empowered to make decisions, develop solutions and be agents of change in the educational space and in their community.

Little Ripples is a program of iACT. iACT is a Los Angeles-based international organization providing humanitarian action to aid, empower, and extend hope to those affected by mass atrocities, creating a world where people are connected and equipped to act.

Dining for Women is a non-profit giving circle dedicated to empowering women and girls living in extreme poverty. Learn more at

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