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Meet the new summer team members: Anna and Michael


My name is Anna Lovelace. I am a fourth year student studying at the University of California, Merced with a major in Political Science and a double minor in English and Spanish. I aspire to pursue a law degree and a PhD in Political Science in the hopes of working as a practicing attorney in constitutional and human rights law and eventually acquire a position as a professor. This summer I am helping i-Act with streamlining its curriculum on mindfulness and working on social media and outreach for the Tour de Goz Amer campaign.

“I act because, as human beings, we are all connected through the universality of the human condition and I believe that the promotion of education and peace building is the only way to sustain and strengthen the ties of the global community. “

My name is Michael Whitesides and I am an Intern with IACT this summer focusing primarily on expanding Stop Genocide Now. I am originally from Marietta, Georgia and am currently a junior at Boston University where I am a political science and English double major. In my free time I am an avid runner, having completed my first ever marathon this past May.

I first got involved with Genocide/Mass Atrocities prevention work when I was 12 years old, becoming an active member of the Save Darfur Movement. Since then, I have been involved with educating people and bringing awareness to Genocides/Mass Atrocities across the world through efforts at my local synagogue, religious youth group, and on my college campus.

This summer, I have been focusing on expanding and updating Stop Genocide Now’s repertoire of information as well as updating past pages to more accurately reflect the current SGN direction. Through updating and expanding SGN, we will be able to focus on genocides and mass atrocities that expand beyond the conflict in Darfur that SGN and i-ACT can have an impact on.

“I ACT because the world has said “never again” far too many times.”

Help iACT continue to do what it does best:

Support refugees in the forgotten corners of the world through soccer and preschool.

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