Make an Impact:
It's donors like you that make it possible for us to ensure children have safe and joyful spaces to play and learn.
Your support is an investment in iACT’s ideas, people, and belief that humanitarian aid can meet the needs of refugees while being dynamic, refugee-led, transparent, and impactful.
iACT is a non-profit 501(c)(3)
Gifts are 100% tax-deductible
All donations are processed securely
As a donor, you’ll receive updates on how your gift helps communities
Any amount you give helps build refugee- and community-led programs
Murtada Haroun
Project Coordinator, Chad
Murtada has been a part of the iACT family since he was 12 years old. He refers to himself as an “iACT kid.”
"We ask the donors to continue their support for iACT because it saved the lives of thousands of refugees and is still continuing to support it. We also ask the iACT family particularly and the American community in general to cooperate fully to achieve the goals of the organization. Because there are still afflicted nations and in desperate need of help. And iACT has provided services to refugees in a different way, while the rest of the organizations are working, such as: football academy, kindergarten centers, agricultural and animal projects, providing in-kind assistance and also the refugees themselves leading iACT. Finally, I thank all the team and the iACT family. I wish you good health."