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Triangles Of Truth And i-Act Partner To Support Education for Darfuri Refugees

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Boca Raton, FL and Redondo Beach, CA – Triangles of Truth, an international movement of youth honoring victims of the Holocaust by providing assistance to current victims of genocide and mass atrocities, and i-ACT, a global team using state-of-the-art technology to create age-old, person-to-person relationships, commit to assisting in the improvement of education programs and other basic needs in Darfuri refugee camps in Eastern Chad.

“We are very excited about this partnership,” said Triangles of Truth Executive Director Simon Goldberg, “as it allows our students to fight genocide in the way we have always envisioned.”

“For the Darfuri refugee child, education can be a matter of life and death,” added i-ACT Director Gabriel Stauring. “Education keeps them in the camps and gives them hope for a better future.  It is so powerful and appropriate to see people honor victims of the Holocaust by providing education to a community of survivors today.”

Starting June 20th, World Refugee Day 2011, the two groups invite middle school, high school, college students, and other groups and communities across the United States and internationally to help rebuild the lives of those directly affected by mass atrocities in Darfur, Sudan. Funding will be directed towards education, a basic human right and, in the case of Darfur, an urgent protection issue. It keeps young men in the camps—away from the cycle of violence—and offers opportunity to girls and young women. Education offers them hope, protection and the possibility of a better future—a future that was taken from them and which students from around the world can help restore. This partnership’s support will go towards educational needs that include the building and/or repair of classrooms, books and utensils, teacher training, water and sanitation facilities, and nutrition.

#### Triangles of Truth is an international movement of students who sell colored triangle cards, for a dollar, that honor a Holocaust victim by giving charity in his or her name to end genocide today and to help survivors of current genocides. The triangles raise awareness and also encourage action in memory of Holocaust victims to give meaning to the ideal of “Never Again.”

i-ACT seeks to empower individuals within communities, institutions, and governments to take personal responsibility to act on behalf of those affected by genocide, mass atrocities, and crimes against humanity. i-ACT is a global team dedicated to putting a face on the numbers of dead, dying, and displaced while creating mutually enriching relationships between those in danger and those willing and able to act, fostering a new culture of participation. www.

Contact: Simon Goldberg, Gabriel Stauring, [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

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