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Planting Seeds of Good this Summer



During the summertime, the i-ACT team is unable to travel to eastern Chad refugee camps due to the rainy season there, but we’ve had a very busy and exciting summer so far!

First, we’re so proud to share with you that our Little Ripples program was just named a top OpenIDEO challenge winner for designs that improve refugee education globally. As a winner, two i-ACT team members will attend a week-long workshop in Africa this September to collaborate with other humanitarian actors. In the fall, we also plan on launching and evaluating the initial Little Ripples Ponds in refugee camp Goz Amer, a model that we aspire to expand and replicate to other refugee contexts globally.

Equally exciting for this summer is that i-ACT has a stellar group of full-time interns from across the country and the world, working on a range of i-ACT projects. They’ve joined us to help advance our food insecurity and early childhood education research, further develop the Human Rights Library program curriculum, create interactive campaigns, and increase our advocacy efforts. Our interns are made up of a unique and dedicated group of people, so they’ll each be writing a blog to share a bit about who they are, what they’ve been working on, and why they’ve decided to act. Stay tuned for those!

We also have a new guest blogger! Elizabeth LeBlanc, Expert Teacher Advisor, is taking over the Little Ripples blog over the next month. She is lending much of her time and expertise to developing the Little Ripples trainer and teacher manuals. Her perspective and ability to connect her roles as mother and teacher in the U.S. to the need for early childhood education and nutrition for children affected by conflict are very insightful. You can begin to read her blogs here.

Darfuri refugees in eastern Chad continue to experience extreme hardship, with services being cut and reductions in food rations having a devastating effect in all camps and especially on the most vulnerable of the population: the young children. Please support our #Restore2100 campaign by learning more about it, sharing it with friends, and giving towards children’s nutrition.

We hope you’re having a wonderful summer so far. Thank you for being a part our team and supporting our work.


Help iACT continue to do what it does best:

Support refugees in the forgotten corners of the world through soccer and preschool.

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